Wednesday, 17 November 2010


In class we watched the title sequence for the film Seven. We were them separated into groups and was told to look at specific features; which in my case was cinematography. Cinematography is the use of lights and camera choices when recording images. In laymen terms the act of making a film.
     As soon as the title sequence starts you notice that all of the camera shots are very close up it is as if the director is trying to intensify the image being portrayed and allowing the viewer to see in extreme detail what is happening. Not only is this deep focus on shots it is also on specific things in the image like the text. During an image of a dollar bill; the word ‘’God’’ is very clear to see. My opinion on this is that its almost as if the director wants to give clues about the film; like by shooting a close up of God it allows the audience to think straight away that the film may have something to do with some sort of religion; thus drawing the audience by getting them involved. The director has already achieved the point of engrossing the audience as a result causing them to be interested in the film. This use of close up shots also is like trying to create an intense environment, which these shots do really well and gives you the idea that the film isn’t a adventure or a romance story but something more serious and chilling. For me the shots make me feel claustrophobic; like an uncomfortable feeling which I believe is the effect the title sequence creator was actually looking to do. Furthermore it isn’t only the shots that make this good title sequence it is also the use of the lighting in the sequence. What is noticed is that the screen is very darkened which along with the shots creates a very mysterious atmosphere. Like mentioned previously mentioned if this film was a romance the audience will see a bright selection of lighting however, where as this film is a thriller the use of dark lighting sets the scene incredibly well because straight away the audience relates the darkness of light with fear and an unknowing sense of what is going to happen or what is going on. 

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